Freaking out at the thought of doing customer research?

Saas Copywriter

We all know interviews and surveys can provide a wealth of information to increase website conversions, attract higher quality traffic, and give fresh insights into product direction. 

But if you're short on time, or don't know where to start - there's an easier way. And I'm about to make it even easier.

Here’s my three sneaky hacks to find the voice of your customers online - FAST.

You can easily stalk your target audience and competitors online (in a friendly way, not in a "call the police" way) using:

  • Google
  • Forums
  • Amazon


Type this in your Google search bar: inurl:“product-reviews” “tired of” keyword

Don't hit enter yet!

Replace the word keyword with the actual word used to describe the problem your solution solves. 

For example, “lead generation”

Okay, now you can hit enter.

Check out all the problems people have that bring them to seek out solutions like yours.


Back in the olden times, Google used to have a tab under the search bar called "Discussions". This helped you filter for all the places that people were talking about certain topics, people, or your business online.

The good news is that you can reinstate it. Hurrah!

Behold - the Discussions Button


It may seem a little weird to be looking for SaaS voice of customer data on Amazon - but you'd be surprised what you'll find there.

I found this handy Chrome extension while I was setting up my Amazon store. It's a great tool if you're thinking of selling on there, but also if you're gathering research to improve your copy.

It's easy to use, and pulls the selected star-rating reviews for you. It also analyzes them to show you the most commonly typed phrases in the reviews. A bit blimmin' genius! 

Simply install the extension, fire up Amazon, search on a product, then click the extension and select "Review Insights". 

Then choose the star ratings you want to focus on, and extract the data to get all that juicy-as VoC that might otherwise take you aaaaages. You're welcome!

Get the Helium 10 extension


Key takeaways

  • Some of the best voice-of-customer data can be found online
  • Quora, Google, Reddit, and Amazon are goldmines!
  • Use the data you collect to improve the copy on your website, landing pages, and funnels to increase conversions and drive higher quality traffic

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Freaking out at the thought of doing customer research?