Are your SaaS emails GDPR compliant yet?

Saas Copywriter

The implementation of GDPR was a massive pain in the butt for most businesses. So much to think about…so little time to execute. Before the compliance deadline, you might have been all:

“Will it really affect my business?”

“I’ll get around to it when I have a spare second”

“I can’t really be bothered updating everything. Nobody will ever know. HAHAHA!”

It’s now six months later, and 80% of businesses still aren’t compliant with the new email regulations. Of the companies that attempted to meet the requirements, only 20% believe they achieved this.

If you have $23 million lying around to pay some non-compliance fines, or want to hand over 4% of your annual revenue, read no further! You can wing it until your emails hit the fan.

Otherwise, here are the main pointers to ensure your business booty is covered for GDPR purposes.

Get compliant, stay compliant

Even if you made sure all your existing email assets got the okay as far as the new regulations, it’s important to remember that this is an ongoing task.

Each new landing page, opt-in, and email has to meet the requirements. If you’re planning a new project, make sure you have a compliance checklist that you can tick off as you go to keep you on track.

Audit your acquisition tactics

If you’re still using non-compliant tactics to get new subscribers, stop it! All your list-growth tricks need to be up to standard in terms of data transparency and opt-ins. If you have forms with no opt-in checkboxes these need to be updated. If you’re struggling to find new ways to grow your list, try fresh tactics like social media (either organic or paid campaigns) to help you out.

Focus on retention

Retention is key if you’re struggling with your list in the post-GDPR climate. If you’re experiencing sluggish growth in subscribers, this makes each unsubscribe sting just that little bit more.

Focus on learning about your list. Who are they? What are they looking for? Are their emails in particular where you notice there’s a spike of engagement? Digging deeper into the interests and needs of subscribers can help you segment and personalize your list, giving value and encouraging your existing fans to stick around longer.

GDPR means you need to pay closer attention to your email marketing. While this might seem frustrating and time-consuming, it can help you gain a better understanding of your subscribers, and in turn build a stronger, more engaged subscriber base for your future emails.

If you’re unsure if your emails meet all the GDPR or Can-Spam Act requirements, drop me an email and I’ll help get your sorted.

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